日本財団 図書館

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Defective' packages stopped f or examination 118 114
Packagcs in a leaky or defective condition 119 115
Packurg/unpacking of cargo/gocds 120 116
Containers landed in a leaky or defective condition 121 117
The Transport Services may destroy or otherwise deal with dangerous cargo/goods 122 118
Offensive cargo/goods 123 119
Certaiu cargo/goods may not be placed in warehouses124 120
Depositpg and warehousing 125 121
Collection and delivery of livestock 127 122
Hours of delivery 129 123
Despatch in unloading vehicles 131 124
Non-delivery not due to the Transport Services'fault 132 125
Where qualified receipts are tendered 133 126
Collection of cargo/goods for shipment 134 127
Shipping orders 135 128
Acceptance of shipping orders 136 129
Receipts for shipment cargo/goods 137 130
Liability for shipment cargo/goods 138 131
Clearing and delivery of luggage 139 132
Insurance and warehousing of luggage 141 133
Divers 142 134
No foreign matter to be deposited 143 135
Closing of portions of hasbour 144 136
Vehicles not to be left within a harbour 145 137
Vehicles to be moved 146 138
Vehicles for hire and vehicles used on business 147 139
Stands - passenger vehicles for hire 148 140
Fares - passenger vehicles 149 141
Toutiug for vehicles 150 142
Orders to be obeyed 152 143
Entering or leaving harbours 153 144
Undesirable persons: Vagrants 154 145
Trespassers 155 146,147
Porters 157 148
Advertising 158 149
Fires 159 150
Smoking 160 151
Fishing 161 152
Bathing 162 153
Bunals 163 154
Domestic and wild animals and reptiles 164 155
Nuisances and obstuctions 165 156
Licences or per:Eits to be produced 166 157
Certain regulations uot to apply at certain harbours 167 158




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